DIN - Director Identification Number

Director Identification Number

What is DIN ?

DIN is denoted as Director Identification Number. It is allotted by the Central Government to any person intending to be a Director or an Existing Director of a Company.


Director Identification Number is an 8-digit unique identification number which has a lifetime validity and the details of the DIN are maintained in a database.


It is specific to a person, which means even if he or she is a director in more than one company, he or she has to obtain only one DIN. In case if he or she leaves a company and joins some other Company, the same DIN would work in the other company as well.


Where to use DIN ?

When the Director signs any documents, return, application of the Company in which he or she is a Director need to mention his or her DIN underneath his or her signature.


How to get DIN ?

One can get the DIN at the time of Incorporation through Spice plus form or through Form DIR-3


DIN - Director Identification Number

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